QC Profile

Our production system is based on 4 principles

  1. Right from the beginning, so planning and preparation are more important than producing. If production line is starting unsmooth, turn back recheck your plan and preparation. Right must be from beginning.
  2. Evidence of a right method is quality and quantity are always on the same direction. If they are not on the same direction, turn back recheck your method. Quality and quantity is always consistent.
  3. If you work harder, spend more time and costly consume resources, but the output is not equivalent, return back and recheck your method, your plan. For sure, there are something hiddenly going wrong. Make it easy.
  4. The right thing is always simple for understanding & making. When you feel, and do it complicatedly, try to find another approach, your current approach is not optima. Make it simple.

Basing on these principle, quality inspection is the backbone of our production system. It prevents wrong doing, mistake during production procedure and eliminate all the defected component before assembling, then the defected products become minimum and exclude before packing.

  1. Material Inspection
  • All of outsourced materials and components are inspected before going to in-line production. It is including:
  • Outlook inspection (all materials)
  • Size and construction inspection (all materials)
  • Electrics characteristic inspection (for electric device)
  • Chemical characteristic inspection (for glue and other chemical sources)
  • Physical characteristic inspection (for silkscreen printing, stainless steel, mirror…)
  • Color check (for printing)
  • Transparences, UV resistance, chemical resistance, temperature tension, (for PMMA sheet).
  • Tension test (for pasting materials)
  • Package inspection
  1. In-line Inspection (Part & Component QC)
  • To discover unqualified part & component during the earlier production process to avoid wasting work in the next step.
  • To make sure that only qualified part & component can pass to the next procedure.
  • To evaluate the final quality standard trend.

In-line QC process

  1. Making product standard guideline checklist for each part & final product.
  2. Making QC tool for part and QC mold for component, so any part that unfit to QC tool and mold is unpassed.
  3. Making product sample for assembling team to refer and recheck.
  4. Having specialized staffs for QC inspection.
  5. Final Quality Control
  • Final quality control is taken place when product is finished and waiting for cleaning and packaging.
  • As the in-line QC was well done, there is very little defected product in final step, almost there is no major defection. At this step, mainly the QC staffs try to find scratch, unclean places and other tiny mistakes. Any unpassed products are subjected to be refine. Only fine products which follows standard and guideline and packaged and mark QC label.